Disfiguring Owie Gotten at Bear River Award

Every year Denise and Calvin award the
covetted DOGBRA
2009 Award
For ten years now each DOGBRA winner has singularly had the burden of their award winning moment.
At the start of the second decade of the award, a hero appeared to assist a novice tuber as she
tried to navigate the rapids before the Jumping Rock. Unfortunately for them there were lots of witnesses.
In fact, a color commentary provided by Denise and Lorrie detailed every wrong move, bump and dump to the audience on the rocks.
As "No! Don't go that way!" and "Oh! That's going to hurt in the morning!" were being shouted out,
our now Wiser Tuber and the Hero of Jumping Rock Rapids were receiving their award winning injuries.
And the winners are:
Natele Chandler And Jay Johnson